Usage Tracking S_NQ_ACCT Table

The next is the description of the columns for the table S_NQ_ACCT where the details about usage tracking in OBIEE are stored.

Group Column Description
BI Server COMPILE_TIME_SEC The time in seconds required to compile the query.
BI Server NODE_ID The host name of the computer where the Oracle BI Server is running. If this field has the value instance1:corea, see the bug 14083146
BI Server REPOSITORY_NAME The name of the repository the query accesses.
BI Server RUNAS_USER_NAME (IMPERSONATOR_USER_NAME 11g) “Default is Null. Varchar(128)
User Id of impersonated user. If the request is not run as an impersonated user, the value will be NULL.”
BI Server TOTAL_TIME_SEC The time in seconds that the Oracle BI Server spent working on the query while the client waited for responses to its query requests.
BI Server USER_NAME The name of the user who submitted the query.
Logical Query END_DT The date the logical query was completed.
Logical Query END_HOUR_MIN The hour and minute the logical query was completed.
Logical Query END_TS The date and time the logical query finished. The start and end timestamps also reflect any time the query spent waiting for resources to become available.
Logical Query QUERY_TEXT The logical SQL submitted for the query.
Logical Query QUERY_BLOB 11g
Logical Query QUERY_KEY 11g
Logical Query ROW_COUNT The number of rows returned to the query client.
Logical Query START_DT The date the logical query was submitted.
Logical Query START_HOUR_MIN The hour and minute the logical query was submitted.
Logical Query START_TS The date and time the logical query was submitted.
Logical Query SUBJECT_AREA_NAME The name of the business model being accessed.
Physical Query CUM_DB_TIME_SEC The total amount of time in seconds that the Oracle BI Server waited for back-end physical databases on behalf of a logical query.
Physical Query CUM_NUM_DB_ROW The total number of rows returned by the back-end databases.
Physical Query ERROR_TEXT “Default is Null. Varchar(250)
Error message from the back-end database. This column is only applicable if the SUCCESS_FLG is set to a value other than 0 (zero). Multiple messages will concatenate and will not be parsed by Oracle BI Server.”
Physical Query NUM_DB_QUERY The number of queries submitted to back-end databases in order to satisfy the logical query request. For successful queries (SuccessFlag = 0) this number will be 1 or greater.
Presentation Catalog PRESENTATION_NAME “Default is Null. Varchar(128)
Name of the Presentation Catalog in Oracle BI Presentation Services.”
Presentation Catalog QUERY_SRC_CD The source of the request, for example, Drill or Report.
Presentation Catalog SAW_DASHBOARD Path of the dashboard. If the query was not submitted through an Interactive Dashboard, the value will be NULL.
Presentation Catalog SAW_DASHBOARD_PG “Default is Null. Varchar(150)
Page name in the Interactive Dashboard. If the request is not a dashboard request, the value will be NULL.”
Presentation Catalog SAW_SRC_PATH The path name in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog for the request.
Query Cache CACHE_IND_FLG “Default is N.
Y indicates a cache hit for the query, N indicates a cache miss.”
Query Cache NUM_CACHE_HITS “Default is Null. Number(10,0).
Indicates the number of times existing cache was returned.”
Query Cache NUM_CACHE_INSERTED “Default is Null. Number(10,0).
Indicates the number of times query generated cache was returned.”
Success SUCCESS_FLG The completion status of the query: 0 – The query completed successfully with no errors. 1 – The query timed out. 2 – The query failed because row limits were exceeded. 3 – The query failed due to some other reason.


More details related with the time columns: take a look the next Oracle document:


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